The Soul of the Ocean

The winds of time break my soul,
blue and clear body of waterLike waters on the beach.
Their polluted toll
Has become too high to pay.

The pain from years of holding back
Hurts when I caress what is left.
Again, I feel my lack,
And I lash out against the creations of man.

Man has spoiled my domain
With his unfeeling heart.
I relish in his pain
As I turn my might against him.

Once I was feared
For my mighty rage.
Long ago, I was revered
For my endless beauty.

My fury does not deter them
When they destroy what I have built.
I hide what is left of my gems,
But man’s taint is all-pervasive.

Once, long ago, I was courted
By the wind and the sky,
The beaches and the whales.
Now, I am only despised for my marred face.

Ice, up north,
So like myself,
Melts to assuage my thirst.
When will that too, run out?

I cannot take it anymore,
And so I took my leave.
Broken, like my polluted shore,
My soul climbs to a better place.

And when the souls of my daughters
Rise up from the murky sea to join me,
I will cleanse them with my final waters,
And weep for the desolation of my one-time kingdom.

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