Photography: Graduation Roses

Thalassa Brytaye has been telling me for months now to upload some of my photography to my blog, but I haven't listened until now. My grandma gave me some of the sweetest roses ever for graduation, and they were practically begging for a photoshoot!

So is my friend right? Should I upload more photography or should I leave it at this? Let me know in the comment section below! I am looking forward to hearing from all of you. 

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  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh THOSE ARE GORGEOUS!!!
    And the angle
    And the colors
    And the lighting!
    *geeks out*
    Great photos! :D

    1. Yay!!!! I must say, flowers are super fun to photograph, because in a way, they are naturally aesthetic. They are also easy to play with! :D

  2. As to the question I'd say continue doing BOTH!!.
    Thalassa beat me to the geeking out again. Stink.

    1. XDD Okay! I'll consider uploading more photos then. ;D
