Unfaithful (Poetry)

red stain on white wall


By Asche Keegan

It’s not you; it’s me.

You were free falling to my misdirections,
Left weakened by all my insipid inflections.
Now our hearts rend asunder, bleeding words pink
But there’s no use crying over spilled ink.

I could list every reason I’m glad to depart,
Citing domestic distress or affairs of the heart.
Question none of these reasons, this much I beseech.
Though we know it’s simply not sharing our speech.

I thought I could hide from every abuse
Behind diction others found obsequiously obtuse.
Disenthralled for the veraciously verboten,
For luculence I became besotten.
Finding life in toska and all things Aeonian,
I looked for the eirene, ethereal, eonian.

I wish it was different, that I could stay true
But 2022’s got better language than you.
He’s kind and he’s bold with an eye for change
There’s a whole wide world waiting to rearrange.

With words of love, I bid thee adieu
A new year is here, and he’ll sound smarter than you.

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  1. Beautifully written! The structure in this is quite good, and the plethora of unusual words is absolutely fascinating to swim through. Hopefully the next year will be a better, bolder one for all of us. ;D

  2. LOTS of confusing words lol
    2021 wasn't a terrible year for me. At least now. A lot of pain, sure, but it was all worth it
    I hope 2022 is a better year for you, however
